Tag: raspberry pi programming service

Egg Incubator Machine

Egg Incubator Machine

Egg Incubator Machine serves to accelerate the incubation process of chicken eggs. This control system also works to maintain parameters..

Non Invasive Glucometer

Non Invasive Glucometer

Projek Non Invasive Glucometer Project berfungsi untuk mengesan kadar gula di dalam darah tanpa mencederakan atau melukakan pesakit seperti alat..

Rope Climbing Robot

Rope Climbing Robot

Rope Climbing Robot adalah robot yang mempunyai mekanism untuk memanjat tali bersaiz 3 mm. Dilengkapi sensor IR Distance untuk mengesan..

PCB Etching Machine

PCB Etching Machine

PCB Etching Machine is used to slowly stir ferric Chloride acid so that the etching process to dissolve copper on..

Arduino Tutorial 4: DHT 11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Tutorial

Arduino Tutorial 4: DHT 11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Tutorial

This Arduino DHT11 Tutorial will teach you how to display the temperature and humidity levels around you by using the..

Arduino Tutorial 2: Install Arduino Library

Arduino Tutorial 2: Install Arduino Library

Steps to Install Arduino Library: 1- Download library file. Normally library files are in the form of .zip or .rar…